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Announcement about the Special Issue in IMA Journal of Management Mathematics can be found here


The Conference proceedings are available here

The Book of abstracts is now available here

List of Participants is now available here

Download all available presentations in a zip file (from dropbox or from stat-athens server). 

See all presentations in the web here. 


MathSport International organizes biennial conferences dedicated to all topics where mathematics and sport meet.

Mathsport International 2019 is hosted by Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece) and organized by the Department of Statistics from Monday 1st of July to Wednesday 3rd of July 2019. It will be the 7th conference in Europe that brings together Maths and Sport. A social event is foreseen for the evening of  Sunday 30th of June.



Topics include:

  • Mathematical and physical models in sports

  • Performance measures and models 

  • Optimisation of sports performance

  • Statistics and probability models

  • Match outcome models

  • Competitive strategy

  • Sports Quantitative marketing

  • Game theoretical models

  • Optimal tournament design and scheduling,

  • Decision support systems

  • Analysis of rules and adjudication

  • Econometrics in sport 

  • Analysis of sporting technologies

  • Mathematics education and sport

  • Computationally intensive methods

  • Financial valuation in sport,

  • E-sports (gaming)

  • Betting and sports


The term sport is interpreted liberally here and includes:

  • Games and pastimes,

  • Gambling, lotteries

  • General fitness and health-related activities.







Keynote Speakers

MathSport2019 Poster v2.png
Important dates

Important dates

17 February 2019 Abstract submission deadline

15 March 2019 Notification of acceptance (new date due to extension of submission period)

12 May 2019 Submission of proceedings paper

22 May 2019 Early registration deadline

1-3 July 2019 Conference



Sunday 30th June 2019


Arrival and Welcome Cocktail 

at Crowne Plaza Hotel


MathSport International 2019 Conference - Athens (Greece), 1-3 July 2019

© 2018-19 Designed by AUEB Sports Analytics Group; 

Event is organized by AUEB Sports Analytics Group & the Computational and Bayesian Analysis Lab of AUEB

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