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Statistical Data Science 

6-8 September 2023, Aegina Island

We are pleased to announce the first Statistical Data Science Conference. 

This series of conferences will focus on the utilization of Statistical Machine Learning and Modelling within the context of Modern Data Science. Particular emphasis will be placed on the integration of AI and the resolution of challenges associated with vast and limited datasets, as well as high-dimensional problems.

The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Statistics of Athens University of Economics and Business and the Statistics Section of the Department of Mathematics of National Kapodistrian University of Athens.


Topics Included

  • Network models 

  • Statistical learning

  • Statistical modelling

  • Computational statistics

  • Machine learning 

  • Artificial intellingence

  • Psychometric models 

  • Health analytics

  • Sport analytics

  • Advanced visualization

  • Data storytelling techniques

  • Data journalism

  • Latent variable models

Important Dates
Oral presentation deadline:
July 2023
Poster s
ubmission deadline:
 1 September 2023

Poster Instructions
Size of paper: A0
Format: Vertical 
Click here to download
the poster template


Organizing Committee

  • ​Ioannis Ntzoufras (Chair of the Conference, Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Dimitris Karlis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Apostolos Burnetas (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)

  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Giorgos Bakoyiannis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Fotios Siannis (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)

  • Vasilis Chasiotis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Anna Nalpantidi (Athens University of Economics and Business)

Scientific Committee

  • Giorgos Bakoyiannis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Apostolos Burnetas (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)

  • Dimitris Karlis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • ​Ioannis Ntzoufras (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Petros Dellaportas (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Fotios Siannis (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)


Short Courses (3 hrs each)
Short Course 1: Petros Dellaportas (AUEB & UCL) - Gaussian proccesses
Short Course 2: Stefanos Kechagias (SAS) - Data story telling
Short Course 3: John Kornak (University of C
alifornia, San Francisco) - Bayesian methods for imaging data 

Click here to download Conference Program 
Click here to download Book of Abstracts  



September 2023

9.00-10.30 Registration 

10.30-12.00 Short Course 2 (Part A)

12.00-12.15 Coffee Break 

12.15-13.45 Short Course 1 (Part A)

13.45-15.00 Lunch Break 

15.00-17.30 Research Presentations 



September 2023

10.00-11.30 Short Course 3 (Part A)

11.30-11.45 Coffee Break 

11.45-13.15 Short Course 1 (Part B)

13.15-14.30 Lunch Break 

14.30-17.00 Research Presentations 

20.00-21.00 Poster Session



September 2023

10.00-11.30 Short Course 3 (Part B)

11.30-11.45 Coffee Break  

11.45-13.15 Short Course 2 (Part B)

13.15-13.30 Coffee Break 

13.30-15.30 Research Presentations


Danae Hotel is a 3-star hotel and is located on the coastal road of Aegina island. All the conference participants should have booked a room in Danae Hotel in order to register at the AUEB Statistical Data Science Conference. Information about Danae's Hotel rooms availability can be found here.

Below some information about how to reach Danae Hotel from Athens:

If you are traveling by plane the closest airport to the island is the Athens International Airport, called Eleftherios Venizelos. From the airport to Piraeus you can reach 

a) by train

b) by shuttle bus

c) by taxi or

d) by rental car

After you have reached the port of Piraeus you can go to Aegina island by Ferry or by Flying Dolphing.

More information about how to reach Aegina island from the Athens International Airport is available here.





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