Workshop Program​
Monday 26/11/2018
15.00-15.30 Conference Registration
15.30-15.45 Welcome by Ioannis Ntzoufras & Dimitris Karlis
15.45-16.45 Sports Economics Lecture: Competitive imbalance, transfer market and youth training
Stefan Kesenne (Univ. of Antwerp & Univ. of Leuven, Belgium)
16.45-17.30 Basketball Data Science
Paola Zuccoloto (University of Brescia, Italy)
17.30-18.00 Coffee Break
18.00-18.45 Bayesian hierarchical models for predicting individual performance in soccer
Leonardo Egidi (University of Trieste, Italy)
18.45-19.15 An Overview of Football Analytics
Ioannis Ntzoufras (AUEB, Greece)
19.15-19.45 Coffee break
19.45-20.15 Optimization in Professional Sports: Scheduling the Indian Super League
Walter Sebastian Gisler (GotSoccer, USA)
20.15-20.45 Μodel based predictions for soccer with application to inplay betting
Dimitris Karlis (AUEB, Greece)
Tuesday 27/11/2018
15.00-16.00 Sports Economics Lecture: Free-entry football market and the number of professional teams
Stefan Kesenne (Univ. of Antwerp & Univ. of Leuven, Belgium)
16.00-16.30 Competitive Balance in European Football
Vasilis Manasis (AUEB Sports Analytics Group, Greece)
16.30-17.00 Which side are you on? The effect of rivalry on behavioural intentions for celebrity footballer brand offerings
Eugenia Tzοumaka (The American College of Greece)
17.00-17.30 Coffee Break
17.30-18.00 The Life Cycle of Odds - From Mesopotamia to Brexit
Kostas Maras (Stoiximan, Greece)
18.00-18.30 Creating value from data generated by football fans using a mobile app
Ioannis Papadopoulos (Dribbly, France)
18.30-19.00 Expanding a startup to assist the athletes accelerate their sport-specific growth using Data Science
Dimitrios Sakellaris (Statathlon, Greece)
19.00-19.30 Coffee Break
19.30-19.50 The range of skills needed to interpret a volleyball set result for men and women
Sotiris Drikos (AUEB Sports Analytics Group, Greece)
19.50-20.20 Do high-pressure conditions impact on performance in basketball? A big data analytics approach
Marica Manisera (University of Brescia, Italy)
20.20-20.40 Review of Evaluation Metrics for basketball players.
Christos Marmarinos (University of Athens)
20.40-21.00 The role of Statistics and Numbers in Basketball
Vasilis Skountis (Basketball Journalist)
Organized by
Ioannis Ntzoufras
Dimitris Karlis
Sotiris Drikos
Administrative Assistant
K. Matzorakis
Upcoming Event
The workshop program is now finalized subject to minor changes that may suddenly occur.